Sustainability can seem like a buzz-word but we all need to be part of the change that is needed, so practical tips and support are more important than lofty policies. Plymouth Law Society has a role to play in supporting the local legal community with their aspirations to deliver on this and be responsible business leaders in the community at large. The SRA states that it places the utmost importance on ensuring a core focus on environmental management as it runs its own operations and Lexcel says that practices should have a CSR policy.
PLS are therefore creating a sub-committee on ESG and are looking for representatives from member firms to join that committee, which is being organised by Alisa Willows, Managing Partner at Wolferstans LLP. Please contact [email protected] if you would like a chat, more information or to get involved.
The first, informal, get together will be at 1pm on Wednesday 26 April following a talk taking place at Wolferstans main office, 60-66 North Hill.
Talk with David Ramsden MBE
We have managed to secure David Ramsden MBE to come and talk to us in person about climate change. He is giving us a talk which the director of climate research at Stockholm University has described as “The best talk I have heard about the climate and ecological crisis”.
The talk is taking place on Wednesday 26 April 11.30am at Wolferstans, North Hill, starting promptly at 11.30am and will finish by 1pm. Refreshments provided.
Please email Natalie Allen [email protected] if you would like to attend.
Interested in Joining?
To become a member of Plymouth Law Society simply contact the Treasurer, James Walsh, by emailing [email protected] or by writing to the below postal address:
The Treasurer, Plymouth Law Society, GA Solicitors, 25 Lockyer Street, Plymouth. PL1 2QW