Covid- 19 Personal Hardship Fund for Solicitors

COVID-19 Personal Hardship Fund for Solicitors

The Solicitors’ Charity has developed a unique COVID-19 Personal Hardship Fund to support solicitors who find themselves in personal hardship caused by the pandemic.  The charity has committed to initial funding of £1,000,000. The fund will help solicitors that find themselves financially in need due to COVID-19. Full details on the fund and how to apply can be found on the charity’s website.

In addition, you can access the COVID-19 Support Hub. Here you can find up to date information and resources to support you during the outbreak.

Interested in Joining?

To become a member of Plymouth Law Society simply contact the Treasurer, James Walsh, by emailing [email protected] or by writing to the below postal address:
The Treasurer, Plymouth Law Society, GA Solicitors, 25 Lockyer Street, Plymouth. PL1 2QW