Dear Member I hope you are all well and at last we have some sun following the rather wet May. Thank you to all who attended the virtual Comedy Night. We had some great feedback and many asked for a repeat where hopefully we can attend in person. Can I give a warm welcome to Hassall Law in Kingsbridge who have become Members. We look forward to seeing them at some of our forthcoming events. Plymouth Junior Lawyer Division The PJLD are looking to recruit more junior lawyers. The Plymouth Junior Lawyers Division (PJLD) aims to be the group through which all junior legal practitioners in the Plymouth area can meet, network and socialise. The PJLD is designed for students (studying the LPC, BVC or GDL), paralegals, trainee solicitors, junior qualified solicitors, pupils and junior barristers. They organise regular social events throughout the year, the highlight is usually their Ball. Other events have included a charity quiz night, a ski and fondu evening, a harbour cruise and bowling. This PJLD is also keen to encourage its members to take part in charity work in the local area and join the national Junior Lawyer Committees. As well as social events, the PJLD provides its members with training opportunities and useful hints and tips on how to progress their legal career. They aim to utilise connections with the university, local law firms, local chambers and businesses to offer members access to further networking opportunities. If your firm have anyone interested in joining please make contact with their current President, Abigail Payne at CWC – [email protected]. Closure of Solicitors Indemnity Fund (SIF) Of great concern to our profession is the imminent closure of SIF. For those who are not aware the following is a summary of SIF and the position we are in after the SRA confirmed it will be closed on 30 September 2021
Originally, SIF was the statutory fund that used to provide cover to solicitors in England and Wales. When the profession voted to move from a statutory fund system to purchasing professional indemnity insurance (PII) on the open market, a portion of SIF was retained to provide ongoing run-off cover for firms that had already closed. Later, its scope was extended to cover other closed firms once their mandatory six-year run-off cover had expired. After a law firm closes, run-off cover must be purchased to protect solicitors and their clients in the event of any civil claims that arise because of negligence. This mandatory run-off cover is purchased as part of the firm’s professional indemnity insurance (PII) and lasts for six years. Coverage after this six-year period is called supplementary run-off cover and is currently provided by SIF by way of indemnity, at no additional cost to the former principals of a closed firm. However, for firms that closed on or after 1 September 2000, this cover will end on 30 September 2021. Unless alternative arrangements are made, the former principals of firms that closed from September 2000 onwards, their estates, and even individual employees, may be personally liable for losses from any claims that are made. Below is the transcript of Nick Gurney-Champion’s (chair of the Professional Indemnity Insurance Committee) statement to The Law Society Council on 19 May 2021 which sets out more detail of the issues and how the Law Society have responded. Statement to Council – SIF You shall note we are encouraging individual members to write to the SRA and the LSB expressing their concerns with the closure of SIF, particularly as a client protection issue rather than the protection of solicitors, though that is important as well. This also needs to be communicated to any retired members of the profession who may not be aware of the problem and consequences. If you are able to assist please direct your letters with the suggestion of one main letter to SRA: - emailed to:
SRA CEO [email protected] at PO address: Mr Paul Philip Chief Executive, Solicitors Regulation Authority The Cube 199 Wharfside Street Birmingham B1 1RN - Then copy your letter to LSB CEO Matthew Hill) by email [email protected]
- Then copy your letter in an email addressed to CEO Paul Tennant, copying in the executive team at The Law society, addresses below:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] If you wish to discuss this further then please make contact with our Council Member, Steven Hudson – [email protected] Law Society Connect – Small Firms The Law Society have also been heavily involved in the rolling out of “Law Society Connect.” Small firms can often be faced with unique challenges, which is why they wanted to create a dedicated community where small firm practitioners can ask burning questions or have casual chats. Law Society Connect is your online forum and is constantly growing with more and more members making connections. It’s a safe and supportive space to get tips, ask questions, share information and learn from fellow small firm members. There are also updates and resources from us on a variety of topics; from how to cope with local lockdowns to dealing with difficult staffing matters. Help and support is always on hand in this digital community. To join Law Society Connect, simply login in to your My Law Society account. Missing Will I have been asked by the family of the below in an effort to trace a missing will. If you can assist please email me and I shall pass on the family contact details: Peter Charles Beesly
Duncombe Court Farm
Church Lane
West Charleton
TQ7 2AD Before this he lived at:- 85 Sopwith Crescent
BH21 1SW C100 Pilot Scheme Please see attached letter detailing a new pilot scheme being implemented for C100 applications for Plymouth, Exeter and Torquay Courts. C100 Pilot Scheme Letter Dates to save 1 October 2021 – PLS Annual Dinner 11 November 2021 – Mayflower 400 Lecture (Formerly Pilgrim Fathers Lecture) – details to follow shortly Best wishes James James Walsh
President of the Plymouth Law Society Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01752 203536 |