As we all know, the world is in a perilous state. Without everyone making meaningful changes to their behaviour, we’re going to cause ourselves some very serious problems in the future that will be next to impossible to correct.
Businesses in particular have a duty to do what we can to help fight climate change. This event gives us more information on why it’s so important to do this NOW… we can’t afford to wait until tomorrow.
Below you’ll find out more about the event on the 18th October, and you’ll also find links to information that will help you put plans in place for your business. It can be a pretty confusing thing to go through, with so many competing opinions and voices and instructions. That’s why we have tried to bring everything together below to help you either take your first steps towards an environmental action plan, or to develop what you’re already doing.
Climate Change event – 18th October 2023
The PLS Climate Change Committee would like to invite you to attend an event aimed at helping the legal profession to establish environmental action plans, measuring carbon footprints, and ultimately, signing up to the Race to Zero global campaign.
This event follows on from the success of a previous event, which 70 people attended.
David Ramsden MBE has agreed to repeat his powerful climate change talk on Wednesday 18 October, 9.15am for a 9.30am start until 12 noon. The event will be held at the offices of Womble Bond Dickinson here in Plymouth.
Paul Gilbert of SWMAS will also be there to explain how to measure your carbon footprint and join the Race to Zero. We’ll also have practical leaflets and action plans available and we’ll be able to draw on the experiences of other firms who can explain their what they’ve done so far in terms of establishing their own environmental action plan.
The national Law Society have issued a practice note on Climate Change which makes it clear that the issue cannot be ignored – so take advantage of some practical help and tips so that your firm can help to make a difference.
Follow the link below to book your tickets on Eventbrite.
Further Information
Along with the information that you’ll receive at the event on the 18th October, we’ve provided you with further information below. We’ve tried to bring together the best and most relevant practical advice that will help you put together your Environmental Action Plan, start to measure your carbon footprint, and make meaningful change.
Race to Zero Campaign – Click Here
Here you can find out what Race to Zero is, and how you can join the campaign
How to write an environmental policy – Click Here
This is a good example of how to write an Environmental Policy for your business.
SWMAS – Make it Net Zero – Click Here
SWMAS can help your business to lower energy costs, meet customers’ net zero expectations, and implement necessary change ahead of future legislation.
Net Zero Jargon Buster – Click Here
There are loads of terms banded about – but what do they actually mean? What’s the difference between Net Zero and Carbon Neutral, etc?
Digital Declutter – Click Here
Were you aware that as well as a physical carbon footprint, you also have a digital carbon footprint? Everyone assumes that by doing things online, they’re green automatically. And it definitely makes a massive difference, But every time we visit a website, send an email, or use social media, a small amount of carbon dioxide is being emitted. Here’s how you can measure and improve your digital carbon footprint.
Plymouth Energy Community – Click Here
PEC will help you identify and make changes across your business that not only impact positively on your environmental commitments, but also help you to save money too.
Bates Wells Responsible Supply Chain Management – Click Here
Find out what Bates Wells, a law firm in London, has done around responsible supply chain management.
Have you signed up to the Good Business Charter – Click Here
This is a pretty good place to start when it comes to really making positive changes across your business
Interested in Joining?
To become a member of Plymouth Law Society simply contact the Treasurer, James Walsh, by emailing [email protected] or by writing to the below postal address:
The Treasurer, Plymouth Law Society, GA Solicitors, 25 Lockyer Street, Plymouth. PL1 2QW